My Personal Library

This is a personal list of all the books in my library. If you have any recommendations for me or questions based on the list below, just email me ( and we can discuss it.

I don't necessarily like all the books on this list, nor have I read every book. Also, I don't own all the books listed below.

Enjoy the list below, as I'm a huge proponent of reading and I recommend that everyone should read atleast one book a month. Everyone knows that reading is great for expanding your vocabulary and for increasing your general knowledge, but reading is one of the best things that you can do to stay sane. Especially now with all the social media and the internet, it's important to read to keep your mind vigilant and pure.

B: General Works, Philosophy, Logic, Speculative Philosophy

BF: Psychology, Aesthetics, Ethics, General Religion, Mythology, Rationalism

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicamerial Mind

C: Auxiliary Sciences of History

D: World History

E: History of the Americas

G: Geography, Anthopology, Recreation

the 10,000 Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution

HB-HX: Social Sciences

JA-JK: Political Science and Law


PA: Greek and Latin Language and Literature

PJ: Oriental, Indo-Iranian, East-Asian and Oceanian Languages

The Epic of Gilgamesh

PR: English Literature

PS: American Literature

Q: General Science

Against Method

QA: Mathematics

Godel, Escher, Bach

QB-QH: Other Sciences

S: Agriculture and Technology