Contact Me

You can also run this command if you want to automatically download and add my GPG key to your keyring:

$ curl -sL | gpg --import

Fingerprint: 2DF9 AB7C B679 8036 F605 0807 7268 EE67 3E9D 61D6

Note for friends contacting me via cell phone


Email is the most consistent way to contact me because I will after a period of time see it, a call I could possibly miss sometime. Nevertheless, if you must call me then have a look down below:

Guidelines for emailing me

For newcomers whom I don't personally know but would like to get into contact with me, you can contact me via email. I try to check my emails as frequently as I can, however, I can't respond to all of them. Down below, I've listed some "rules" to abide by when contacting me via email. These guidelines aren't strict by any means, just something to keep in mind if you want me to reply.

Don't get offended if I don't reply to your email, I tend to reply to emails only after I have read them, but sometimes (rarely) I can forget. I also won't reply if it is contrary to my negligible set of rules from up above, but that should be obvious if you have actually taken the time to read it. One more thing; don't expect any personalized email replies, especially if I don't know you that well.

Note on reviewing software

I try to make it as clear as possible, as to what my core message is; only use free/libre software! This means I don't and will never condone the use of proprietary software, so why would I even review it? If you're interested on what what kind of software I use, you would know anything proprietary is completely contrary to what I use. If it happens to be free/libre software, then you should first email me about it and prove that you really are who you claim to be in the actual email. Without me knowing who you truly are, there is no way that I would run, never mind promote your software. Moreover, if I don't understand what is it that you want me to review, then it's most likely not even going to happen. As I mentioned before, be sure to provide me with your public GPG key and only encrypt using mine.

Check your spam!

For a long time now, I've been hosting my own email address through my domain with a VPS. But every once in a while, some arbitrary email service provider will mark emails from my domain as spam for whatever reason. Ergo there might be a possibility that my emails are being automated to your spam folder or my domain has been blacklisted. If my domain happens to be blacklisted, then be sure to whitelist it so that you can receive emails from me. This typically happens with very peculiar email providers.

It doesn't happen with Gmail or any of those large-brand email providers anymore, after I started using OpenDKIM. But in case it was to happen, just thought I'd let you know (no hard feelings).