Redesigning my personal website


With a lot of extra time on my hands recently, I've basically been working on a redesign of my website, whenever I'd get bored that is. I'm pretty content with what I've got at present and it isn't so bloated as it was in the past. I've essentially made changes mostly to the visual component of my website, that being the CSS file. My aim has been at optimizing the existing CSS code and I even rewrote some of the code as well. If you aren't already aware, my entire website is purely based off of basic HTML and only CSS, no JS (sorry soydevs). Also, I didn't use one of those static-site generators, because why not do it yourself. I'm not super into aesthetics if you couldn't already tell, but it has the conventional look that I'm desiring.

I've also been putting up more guides on various different free software applications (there are more to come), so check that out if you're interested. I'm planning on writing a Coreboot guide some time this month for my website and to put up on my GitHub as well. I've Corebooted my Thinkpad X220 sometime last year with a Raspberry Pi, during the summer of August. I haven't had any problems as of yet and still use the laptop as my daily machine for literally everything, click here to find out what other programs/hardware I use. Therefore I figured that I would put out a newly updated guide on how to flash Coreboot, since there are already some on the internet but they are somewhat outdated. It'll most likely come out on my website first and then I'll just back it up on my GitHub.

As time does go on, I feel like more visual changes are bound to happen on this site, but for now I'll shift my focus onto more substantial things that will one day benefit me. I tend to throw away a lot more time than I'd wish to, when working on my website but that's just what it is. At least I know it's for myself and not for something like YouTube, or some other large organization, which I strongly encourage you all to get rid of and to create your own site!